The new Free Methodist Church – USA communications director is an experienced communicator and spiritual leader. Brett Heintzman, an ordained elder in the Genesis Conference and associate director of the National Prayer Ministry, officially began his new role on March 4. The communications director oversees FMCUSA communications such as denominational websites, book publishing and Light + Life Magazine/Revista Luz y Vida.
“Brett comes with a rich history of leadership at several levels in the FMC from local church to denominational ministry,” said FMCUSA Chief Operating Officer Mark Dowley while announcing Heintzman’s hiring to staff at the World Ministries Center. “Additionally, Brett is well-experienced in the fields of technology and communications.”
Heintzman views the communications director role as a continuation of his call to ministry.
“In all of my ministry life, God has been changing me, shaping me and crafting me to deliver what I believe is a very specific message to the church, and that is to call God’s people back to holiness and vibrancy of life in the Holy Spirit,” Heintzman said during an interview in his new office at the World Ministries Center. “When I was approached to consider this position, what really got me was the thought that ‘Lord, you’re opening the door for a whole new avenue for this message.’”
While emphasizing what makes the denomination unique, Heintzman said, Free Methodists must embrace change instead of fearing it. Technological advancements have changed communication methods drastically in recent years. Heintzman — who previously owned a technology firm in New York — said our methods must change “to help accomplish effectively our mission to love God, love people and make disciples.” He wants to ensure that the Indianapolis-based communications team’s efforts connect with congregations across the denomination.
“My goal is to really investigate, promote and implement ways that communication can actually reach the person in the local church and bring us together in our distinctives,” Heintzman said. “I would like to see communications make a difference to an increasingly diverse audience in our culture. I would like to see it help the people in our denomination understand who they are in light of the greater church.”
After becoming a Christian at age 13, Heintzman realized his musical abilities provided a place to connect in the local church. In 1989, he accepted a staff position as a worship leader at a church in Florida. In 1994, he became the worship leader at Harvest Chapel — a Free Methodist congregation in Fredonia, New York. In 2010, he became the lead pastor of the Jamestown (New York) Free Methodist Church. Since July 2017, he and his wife, Barb, have served in a stateside missions role that includes teaching across the nation. During a 26-week period last year, he traveled to 39 locations for prayer initiatives and speaking engagements that included two weeklong camps.
Heintzman is the author of the books “The Crossroads: Asking for the Ancient Paths” and “Jericho: Your Journey to Deliverance and Freedom,” both of which are available at He is now writing a five-volume book series to address components of spiritual revitalization for churches.