Fifty years ago, a stake was driven in a soybean field in northwest Indianapolis, and a new church was built. The John Wesley Free Methodist Church was a joint project of its parent congregation, West Morris Street Free Methodist Church in Indianapolis, and the Wabash Conference. Most charter members were young professionals with small children, and all eagerly sacrificed to erect and furnish a lovely facility. God blessed and growth followed.
In those early years, John Wesley was known for excellent music, energetic Bible quizzers and active participation in world missions. As time has passed and our neighborhood has changed, we are becoming a multiethnic, multiracial congregation. Today on the walls of the sanctuary hang the flags of 16 nations to represent the variety of people who worship here.
Now we are about to celebrate all that God has done with a weekend of special activities, June 4 and 5, 2016. Beginning with a brunch at 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 4, a full-day of reunions, softball and church-wide displays will help recreate our story. Plan to enjoy a fun program at 6 p.m. that evening by reserving your place for a catered dinner. On Sunday, June 5, we will worship together with joyful singing, remembrances and praises for all God has done for us across this last half-century.
Email for more information. Please RSVP at 317-291-3730 for any meal reservations.
Here is a schedule of events:
Saturday, June 4:
9 a.m. Brunch. Visit.
1 p.m. Softball Game. JW Team vs. Returners; child care provided
3:30 p.m. Choir Reunion and practice; child care provided.
6 p.m. Supper (catered); child care provided.
7:30 p.m. variety show : current and past members; child care provided.
Sunday, June 5:
9 a.m. Sunday school
10 a.m. Connect (Coffee)
10:30 a.m. Worship with nursery; honoring past pastors; choir
12:30 p.m. Lunch (catered)